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If you crave more leads, even more sales and rockstar status, try Copywriting Alchemy.


I transform your website, sales pages, email funnels and blogs with the right messaging, brand voice and copy... that speaks to your ideal client in their language, about their problems, dreams and goals.


This thoughtful copywriting alchemizes art, creative thinking, storytelling and persuasion science frameworks. In other words, it sells your clients on you before you ever get on the phone. And line up love-you-for-life buyers.


Think of it as done-for-you copywriting (what sweet music) that sells for you with ease (turn that volume way up, now).


If you’re tired of lackluster copy and “unicorn” writers who just don’t (or can’t) deliver,
you’re in the right place.


The Looking-for-a-Hit Marketing Director

“I hired the five-star ‘Prestigious Agency’ up on Park Ave. to turn up the heat on our new website. Thought that cemented my big raise and promotion, but eight months later, my meteoric rise is on pause … just like our new site.


Thousands and thousands of dollars spent, and the supposed-to-be-sparkling site copy is forgettable. The CEO isn’t happy with my decision and she wants the website fixed. Now.”


"I found a copywriter who doesn’t cost high five figures or take weeks or even months to send me solid, awe-inspiring drafts."

The Hamster-Wheeling Agency Owner

“I thought starting my own agency was the big ticket to big-name brands and stress-free weeks away from the firm to recharge. Instead, I’ve got a stable of so-so writers who sometimes deliver the goods. (And often ghost me.) 


But mostly, instead of relaxing on a beach, I’m up at midnight frantically editing the so-so work for my discerning clients, hoping they ‘pass’ this about page or long-form sales blog.”

“I’ve sworn off Saturday mornings searching Upwork for that ‘unicorn’ writer. My stellar copywriter-on-speed dial sits just an email or text away, ready to run with my creative brief.


My dream: to check my email in the morning and see high-impact copy, ready for my discerning clients, even earlier than deadline.”


The DIY Entrepreneur

“I bought the copywriting-for-business owners courses, snapped up all the $37 sales pages and email templates, and even asked my English major BFF to work her magic on my home page headline.

I thought it would be easy to write my own copy. Instead, my website doesn’t show off who I am at all, and I’ve wasted so much time and money trying to DIY my way to sales success, instead of excelling in my zone of genius.”

“A copywriter who ‘gets’ my brand and creates the website, sales page and email copy I need to turn the heat way up on my lead gen, sales and brand recognition.”

The Ready-to-Scale Coach & Course Creator

"After pouring hours, days, weeks and months into creating my expert-level course and coaching program, I realized I need an actual launch plan … to send my list intuitive emails that lead to a sales page they can’t say no to, but I literally can't do all of the things at once.


And this time, I don't want to try to DIY it with a $37 sales page template, especially if I'm writing at midnight with a super-low vibe. It needs to be about attraction, not repelling my perfect clients."


"I'm ready to scale FAST, and it's thrilling that I've met a badass copywriter who can help me scale my empire with magnetic words, while staying true to my voice and vision."

I bet at least one (and more) of these sounds like you.


"We needed some new angles on our sales letters, landing page copy and Facebook ads for AdLeaks. I have to say, I absolutely love my new sales letters, website copy and ad copies. We're in the process of integrating all of this into our funnel and I'm extremely confident this will make a HUGE difference. I love that you offered a fast turnaround and did such an excellent job describing the problem and solution for our audience, that I didn't need any revisions, which is rare for me! Thanks." 

Tim Burd / Co-founder & CEO / AdLeaks

This is what you've been wishing for.
Let's give your brand the megawatt marketing boost it needs.
You've been wishing for your website (or sales page or emails!) to call in the exact people who are perfect for you and poised to pay.
We use our proprietary Conversion Copy Alchemy Process to identify those exact words, phrases and messages that elevate you as the ONLY solution to your clients' big problem.

I say, your wish is my command.

Brands who've trusted us to create their copy

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Hey, you world-changing superstar, you.

I'm Nicole Rollender.


When I’m not racing the backroads of South Jersey's Pine Barrens in my classic fireball red Trans Am with a double espresso, I run STRAND Writing Services—as a creative writer who alchemizes the power of irresistible interactive campaigns, gold-dusted conversion copy and inspired content.

I'm a content marketing pro-turned-entrepreneur and the go-to copywriter for online entrepreneurs, growing brands, coaches and consultants who want to turn their competitors invisible, so seekers crystallize into loyal-for-life buyers ... and you make more money, as you transform lives.


I founded my company in 2017 on two decades of award-winning content marketing, copy writing and editorial experience, and an MFA in Creative Writing (yes, I'm also a poet), so I write at the speed of light (and YOUR success).


I've received many prestigious national awards for my writing work, including being named to the Folio: Top Women in Media list. My forward-thinking media and engagement strategies grabbed six national ASBPE, Folio: and Jesse H. Neal awards, the highest awards in the B2B media field. My content marketing campaigns for top brands have yielded millions of impressions and thousands of leads.


There are rules and there are "rules." Yes, I stay up-to-the-minute current on the latest copywriting trends and techniques (because I’ve invested thousands of dollars and hours in training), but I also know how and when to use them to get you results.


If you’re a free thinker like me, we’ll go together like muscle cars and open roads.


Want copy that melds art + persuasion science and sounds like you wrote it? Yes? We should talk.



As Seen (or Heard) In ...



Yes, there's a huge difference between "good copy" and "bad copy," and the difference can be your business reputation and lost sales. I get real about how to create copy that sells for you and mistakes to avoid.

2 Regular Guys Podcast
00:00 / 1:09:23



If you're looking to scale up to six figures fast, listen in because I drop a lot of value bombs in this convo: Learn what I did to hit $10K months just between January and April 2018.

Scale Your Freelancing Podcast
00:00 / 01:04


In my typical direct, no-B.S. style, I share super-specific insights and tactics on how to set the foundation to scale your business to a consistent six-figure income each a sustainable way.

Small Business, Big Mindset Podcast
00:00 / 37:56


In this conversation, I talk about how you can  overcome performance anxiety and move forward from "mistakes" to view them as stepping stones to success, especially as an entrepreneur.

Hot Topics Podcast
00:00 / 34:51

I’m walking-barefoot-over-hot-coals fearless when it comes to your copy. 

I’m never afraid to explore your brand’s inner workings and take the right risks, so you always stand out (like that breakdancer who’s got the moves no one can imitate). 

I stay curious and open to every new adventure, including yours.

"Strand Writing Services has been an absolute game-changer for my business, Foodie Footsteps Food Tour Experience. Your Website Alchemy offering exceeded my expectations in every way.  You quickly captured the essence of my brand and delivered captivating copy that resonated with my audience! Working with you was stress-free, allowing me to focus on other crucial aspects of my business.  I highly recommend Strand Writing Services for anyone looking to enhance their online presence or start a company. Thank you for your exceptional work!"

Laurie Prestine / Co-Owner / Foodie Footsteps

Anchor 1

I have the heart of a poet with the brain of a persuasion scientist. 

I tell people I'm a natural born writer. I’ve been writing professionally (and won more than 50 awards) since I earned my MFA in creative writing close to two decades ago. So, you’ll never get late or make-you-gnash-your-teeth copy.


You’ll get ready-to-roll words that mesmerize you (and your buyers). I immerse myself in your brand and your buyers' minds, so it's a pretty regular thing when clients say, "This sounds exactly like me."



You’ll tap a content marketing exec’s brain.

In a past life, I created hundreds of content marketing campaigns for household-name brands and smaller startups about to spring. Need leads? I’ll get them. Need to be seen? You’ll get lots of eyeballs on you.


Translation: You’ll get a ready-to-fly strategy and magnetizing words for your website, sales pages, emails and beyond, from a pro who’s conjured up thousands of leads and millions of impressions.

You’ll tap a publishing exec’s brain.

In another past life, I became a B2B magazine editor in my 20s. For a decade, I turned out two monthly award-winning magazines for entrepreneurs.


That’s why my clients clamor for my long-form articles written in an engaging, story-driven style. They post these babies on their blogs or publish them on high-profile sites with their byline.


Bottom line: I understand the art of narrative that draws in readers. I understand how to carefully meld journalism and content marketing into a compelling piece that gets read and shared (and even goes viral).

You’ll tap a poet’s brain.

I’m a real, live poet (nope, not the Hallmark Card type), but a verse-slayer who’s won writing grants and awards for my work. You'll never hear me use the hackneyed terms "template" or "cookie cutter."


I’m a nonconformist creator who believes in brand expression and unconventional beauty. I'll invent copy and content based on your voice and vision.


And I’ll tap into your dream customer’s brain, so we meet them exactly where they are, right now, and show them a better reality for themselves.

How do you weave a web of poetry-meets persuasion
in your copy?

Let's cast that conversion spell with ...

WEBSITE COPY ALCHEMY: Creating magic that makes money every minute


Does your website stand up to the 15-second test?


That's how long a person stays on your site before bouncing to your competitor's ... the reasons they leave you fast like smelly cheese include an unattractive website design, a clunky experience and lackluster content.


Whether you’ve just launched your business or been around a while, the success of your product, solution or online program rests heavily on your answer to this question. 

I’ll give you high-touch, high-impact, ready-to-load, conversion-optimized copy for five key pages on your website. You’ll have all the essential pieces of a drool-worthy, conversion-focused, personality-rich website that gives YOUR brand a giant dollop of personality and panache.

WEBSITE COPY ALCHEMY MINI: A quick-turn gold dusting

Want an immediate ROI on your website, but don't have a big budget or a lot of time?

This website audit with actionable takeaways is perfect for business owners who say:


  • "My website needs a facelift, but I don't have the time or money for a full-scale redo."

  • "My site's decent, but since it's been a year or so since we launched it, I could use a quick tune-up so it works harder for me."

  • "I'm a good writer, but I get blocked when I sit down to do my own work. I wish I could get an expert pair of eyes on my site."



SALES PAGE POTION: Heavy on the persuasion, light on the sleaze

Are your prospects choosing you or your competitor to achieve their transformation?

Every day, hundreds, if not thousands, of your most valuable potential customers buy someone else’s product or enroll in their online program hoping to solve a burning pain point. Want to crash that party?


Don’t worry, I dive deep to learn all about what your customers need. Then, I craft conversion-powered copy so you make sales with all the ease of a Sunday morning, on repeat, from your long-form sales page, which will be a delight for your new clients to read.

EMAIL ALCHEMY: For hot, active and engaged lists

Do your subscribers tell you that your emails are the only ones they look forward to opening?

Whether we're crafting your welcome sequence, product or course launch email funnels, or daily (addictive) emails that we send to your list, the top-level goal is to build trust and nurture your subscribers, while also  adding extreme value to their lives.


My list tells me on the regular that they LOVE getting my emails pinging their inboxes, so let's work some of that email wizardry for you (like "I just wanted to tell you these emails are fire. #ExcellentStuff")... so you establish yourself as a credible expert and cultivate a tribe who want you to solve their most painful problems.



"We wanted to bring clarity to our new company's messaging online. Frankly, we were hesitant that an 'outsider' could provide clear and concise messaging for Trace. However, the website copy Nicole provided back very quickly was critical in getting our website launched in time. We essentially just needed to copy/paste her great writing into our new site. Even better? There was no B.S., just a quick turnaround of amazing copy. The process of launching a new business with many different service offerings, some of which are entirely new to the marketplace, can be exhausting and confusing, but Nicole's piece—the copy and overall messaging—was no-hassle perfection. Thanks, and would highly recommend you to other business owners."

Scott Schrader / Co-founder / Trace Body Rejuvenation

Why would you want to work with a conversion copywriting alchemist?

You can relax. For reals.


Your stress magically slows  from 150 mph to zero, once you give me the go-ahead. On the regular, clients tell me, “Once I hand you my project, I never worry that it’ll be late or un-me or meh.” Since I’m Type A, you can be Type Zzzzs. Take a nap. Take a ride in your muscle car. Work on a project that lights you up.

You'll like working with me.

I’m a Jersey gal through and through. No B.S. No artifice. Not a lot of fluff. Direct, so I say what I mean and mean what I say. My kids have already picked up my sarcasm-speak, so I’m doing something right. (And I could live off of Max & Manco’s pizza at the Jersey shore.) 

You'll dig how reliable I am.

My clients stay with me for years because I do what I say. I hit every deadline. My team responds to every email quickly and efficiently. We're so hyper-responsive, our clients ask if they're our only one. Nope. We believe in white-glove service and a customer experience unlike any other.

Here's what some of our clients say about

my alchemical writing skills...


“Nicole is an outstanding writer. She's a quick study—even on super tech-y details—while her poetic background gives her writing an efficiency and emotional depth that resonates with customers. Nicole's rare combination of an analytical mindset with big-picture, emotive-narrative capabilities makes her a perfect choice for high-impact content that stands out. Almost equally important, her customer service and responsiveness are second to none. Highly recommended.”

Helena Mutak, Director of Marketing, McGrory Glass


Are you ready for words those other brands
will wish they had?

The bottom line: Your business copy needs to sell for you. That means what you write on your website or in your emails unequivocally must inspire prospects to know, like and trust you, so they go on that first date with your brand.

Don’t waste your precious hours searching for another “unicorn” writer on Upwork. 

It’s time to hire a conversion copy alchemist, with the “right” brain of a poet and the left, logical brain of a sales strategist, to spin your lyrical, money-making gold from her keyboard.


"Smart, thoughtful and engaging marketing is a powerful brand and business growth lever. The problem? Good copy and messaging is hard to create—it’s an art form. Nicole has been our trusted adviser and partner when it comes to content creation, messaging and strategy. If you're seeking the best—look no further than Nicole."

JP Hunt, Co-founder, InkSoft

Anchor 2


Thanks! You are on THE LIST.

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©2023 by Rollender Enterprises & STRAND Writing Services

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